河北新航道石家庄学校雅思听口组 贾君
Part 2 题目千千万, 但是每一季度总有那么一道让你抓耳挠腮, 百思不得其解. 那么在本季, 最难的题目之一就非sky这一道莫属啦.
Describe a time when you remember looking at a beautiful sky, either by day or by night
You should say:
Where you were and who you were with
What you were doing
What you saw in the sky
And explain how you felt when you were looking at this beautiful sky
不少看过这道题目的小伙伴们, 心中的个想法一定是 “哇塞, 这是什么神仙题目???” “美丽的天空? 什么是美丽的天空? 臣妾不知道啊, 谁闲着没事干看天啊.”
哈哈哈各位小伙伴,不要急,不要慌, 今天就跟着君君老师, 一起来解(手)决(刃)问(敌)题(人)
蓝蓝的天空白云飘… (the sky is blue and the clouds are white…)
我还能说点啥呢? (苦恼. Jpg)
现在聪明如你, 是不是已经发现在这其中的差别了呢?
首先区别之一便是颜色: 无论是图1还是图2 都有非常丰富的颜色, 深蓝色, 浅蓝色, 橘色, 黄色, 红色, 白色, you name it.
并且颜色是不是大体上可以分为靠近太阳的暖色调区域, 和远离太阳的冷色调区域呢?
The part near the sun was surrounded by some warm colors, orange, yellow, red, you name it. But to the further part, it was still in blue.
区别之二是什么, 就是云了. 你可能已经注意到, 这两张图中的云彩都不是单纯的白色, 而是一种由白色到金色的转变过程.
那么我们是不是可以说: although most of the clouds were in white, but gradually, they were all lit by the late afternoon sun.
我相信在看这篇分析的小伙伴看到下面这张图, 一定都想的起来小时候的一篇文章《火烧云》
“还有些说也说不出来、见也没见过的颜色。一会儿,天空出现一匹马,马头向南,马尾向西。马是跪着的,像是在等人骑到它的背上,它才站起来似的。过了两三秒钟,那匹马大起来了。马腿伸开了,马脖子也长了,一条马尾巴可不见了。看的人正在寻找马尾巴,那匹马就变模糊了。” --- 《火烧云》节选
Well, to be honest with you, I was totally shocked by how incredible it was, very much like those famous paintings exhibited in art galleries. The part near the sun was surrounded by some warm colors, orange, yellow, red, you name it. But to the further part, it was still in blue. Although most of the clouds were in white, but gradually, they were all lit by the late afternoon sun, as if they were burning.
Oh, I forgot to mention the shape of the clouds, they were various. The most impressive one must be the piece of cloud. At first, it was just like a running horse, but a few seconds later, it was turning into a bunch of balloons, very funny.
好啦, 看完君君老师的分析, 是不是这篇sky的题目, 是不是也没那么难了呢? 小伙伴快去网上图片搜起来, 按照上面的步骤分析起来吧. 只要用心分析, 相信每一个小伙伴都可以有自己的素材的~~~
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