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2014-11-24 15:20

  职场人或多或少都会需要参加一些展会,比如4月马上要举行的广交会。在展会上 ,展商如云,客户如梭,如何吸引买家进入展厅,如何向买家介绍产品,尤其是 外国客户,就成了很多人的头疼事。沪江网校实战商务口语主讲老师Erin告诉你 在展会上如何吸引外国客户。

  Trade shows can be great opportunities for you to meet prospects (no  matter they're good or bad), network with others in the biz. Plus you  probably spend much money on it, so don't waste your time on your iPad  games. Go draw people in and take full advantage of opportunities to  speak with clients and prospects.

  交易会是一个结识不同的潜在客户的好机会,也能和所有参展人员多交流。再说 ,你有可能为了参展还花了钱,所以不要把在展会上的时间浪费在玩游戏上。想 办法把买家吸引进来,利用一切机会和潜在的客户进行交流。


  A:Good morning, there's a lot to see, isn't there?

  B: Indeed, I'm just having my first circuit.

  A: No worries, take your time and let me know if you have any question.  We are United Pack, as you can see. A full service packaging company  and I'm Luc.

  作为参展企业工作人员,千万不要总是板着一张脸(poker face),积极主动一 些,像上面对话中的Luc,是不是感觉很nice、很warm?

  再给大家介绍一些类似的表达,用来在展会上和外国客户打招呼,吸引客户进展 厅:

  1. If you have any question, let me know. I'm happy to help.

  2. Hello and welcome, I'm Todd, whatever you need, don't be afraid to  ask.

  3. There's a lot to look at, isn't there? Pleasejust take your time.

  除了verb language以外,你的笑脸,你的表情,你的肢体语言都可以帮助你搭讪 在你booth外徘徊的prospects


  B: Thanks, Luc. I'm Karen Carmon with Cozy House. I'd just like to have  a look at some of these recycled stuff here.

  A: You are interested in recycled products?

  B: Yeah, well, we're looking at making our product greener.

  I'm (your name) with/from (the name of your company) 已经基本成了一个自 我介绍的固定句型,大家可以记一下。


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