很多同学抓不到task4阅读和听力的关系,今天我们以TPO 36 Task4为例,分一下事件描述类话题阅读和听力的关系如何。
Task 4 –事件描述类(关注起因和结果)
The Suspension of Disbelief
As members of an audience, we can best enjoy the the performance of a play if we become emotionally involved with the events and characters on stage. But to do this, we need to forget that what we see on stage is only imaginary, and pretend instead—temporarily—that it is real. This ability to temporarily put aside, or suspend, our doubt and believe that the action of a play is real is called the suspension of disbelief. Suspending disbelief enables viewers to become more and more absorbed in the play as they watch the story develop, and to respond emotionally to the events and characters as if they were real.
The Suspension of Disbelief
As members of an audience, we can best enjoy the the performance of a play if we become emotionally involved with the events and characters on stage.
But to do this, we need to forget that what we see on stage is only imaginary, and pretend instead—temporarily—that it is real. This ability to temporarily put aside, or suspend, our doubt and believe that the action of a play is real is called the suspension of disbelief.
Suspending disbelief enables viewers to become more and more absorbed in the play as they watch the story develop, and to respond emotionally to the events and characters as if they were real.
Listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a theatre studies class.
So for example, back when I was in college, one of my roommates, Richard, was in a play I went to see. And when he first went on stage, I have to admit I was a little distracted. Richard was dressed up like an old man. I could tell that his hair was colored grey and he was pretending, you know, to be older. So he walked more slowly, the way in older person would. But at first, I only saw him as my roommate dressed up to look like an older man. But then as the play went on, I began to think of him less as the guy I live with, and more as this older man who was a father, one who had to work very hard for his family, the family in the play. And in the play, the father gets sick and so he's out of work. Would you know, caused me to become a little sad. And because of the father's lung illness, the family was worried that they wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills. And this made me feel worried too. Well, in the end, what happened was, the family all came together and everyone found job and started working. They all pinch in and help in the time of crisis. So the family gets by and pays the bills. And soon after the father recovered from his illness, And this made me feel relieved. And even rather happy.
So for example, back when I was in college, one of my roommates, Richard, was in a play I went to see. And when he first went on stage, I have to admit I was a little distracted. Richard was dressed up like an old man. I could tell that his hair was colored grey and he was pretending, you know, to be older. So he walked more slowly, the way in older person would. But at first, I only saw him as my roommate dressed up to look like an older man.
But then as the play went on, I began to think of him less as the guy I live with, and more as this older man who was a father, one who had to work very hard for his family, the family in the play.
And in the play, the father gets sick and so he's out of work. Would you know, caused me to become a little sad. 情绪1And because of the father's lung illness, the family was worried that they wouldn't have enough money to pay the bills. And this made me feel worried too. 情绪2 Well, in the end, what happened was, the family all came together and everyone found job and started working. They all pinch in and help in the time of crisis. So the family gets by and pays the bills. And soon after the father recovered from his illness, And this made me feel relieved. And even rather happy.情绪3
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