雅思口语评分标准中语法多样性和准确性(Grammatical range and accuracy)考察的是考生们使用复杂句的频率和准确度(How often and how well the candidate can make complex sentences), 而虚拟语气是众多复杂句中可以让考官眼前一亮的语法结构。If你在雅思口语中用到了虚拟语气,你的句式多样性会得到提升,更容易拿到高分。那么,在雅思口语中如何使用虚拟语气呢?
在雅思口语中,当我们谈到与自己实际情况相反的愿望时,主观想象某事有可能发生时,就需要借助于虚拟语气来表达我们的这种心态。虚拟语气常出现在条件状语从句中,可以表达对现在,过去,将来的事实进行虚拟,主句和If 从句的谓语动词形式列表如下:
虚拟的时间 | IF从句谓语形式 | 主句谓语形式 |
将来 | were to/should do/did | would (could, might)+do |
现在 | did/were | would (could , might)+do |
过去 | had done/ had been | would (could , might)+have done |
If I were to live my life over again, I would have you as my wife. (对将来时间的虚拟)
If I should win the lottery, I would buy a house. (对将来时间的虚拟)
How would you use your own eyes if you had only three more days to see. (对现在时间的虚拟)
I wouldn’t have grown up into a person as I am if my parents hadn’t passed their values on me. (对过去时间的虚拟)
以上的三种结构可以用于雅思口语Part 3中考官对于一些非真实的情况的提问来表达自己的愿望,观点,重要性等,比如这个问题If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?。这种包含虚拟语气的提问可以用与现在的虚拟进行回答。
Chickadees would probably be my first choice. I’ve always liked seeing them while in the forest, and their call is one of my favorites among birds. Another consideration would be otters. I think otters are pretty awesome. I'd keep one in my swimming pool and he could chill with me.
除了条件状语从句之外,我们在雅思口语中还可以用到含蓄虚拟语气。含蓄虚拟句是指没有完整的条件从句,但是上下文隐含了虚拟条件的意味。下面例句中的without, but for, otherwise, suppose/supposing就是常用的隐含的条件意味的方式表达。
Without sunlight, people’s life would be different. (对现在时间的虚拟)
But for your help, I wouldn’t have finished the work. (对过去时间的虚拟)
The storm stopped, otherwise the sailors would have fallen into the sea. (对过去时间的虚拟)
Suppose(supposing) your friends knew how you are behaving here, what would they think? (对将来时间的虚拟)
l 表达愿望
If I had the chance, I’d …
I wish I could ...
l 描述重要性
I can’t imagine what my life would be without her.
If it weren’t for the Internet, we’d never see technology developing so fast.
I’d be lying if I said...
l 表达事与愿违
If it hadn’t been for the delay, I would’ve been there three hours ago.
I should have told her the truth.
l 谈论后悔
I really regret it. I should‘ve listened to his advice.
l 表达观点
If I were to …
If I were to pick one, it would be green apple. It‘s so simple and refreshing.
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