Group 6
Abstain desist, go without, withdraw
Blighted damaged, destroyed, ruined
Credulous gullible, ready to believe anything
Enshroud cover
Haughtiness arrogance, pride
Lachrymose tearful, sad
Obfuscate deliberately make something difficult to understand
Plethora an excess
Repudiate shun, eschew
Tedium boredom
Group 7
Abstemious self denying, refraining from indulging
Blithe free-spirited, carefree
Crepuscular active at dawn and dusk
Enunciation clear pronunciation, accent, articulation
Headstrong stubborn, willful
Lackluster dull, monotonous, bland
Objective unbiased, not subjective
Pliable deliberately make something difficult to understand
Rescind retract, repeal
Temper to moderate, soften
Group 8
Abstruse difficult to understand, obscure
Blunderbuss ancient weapon (type of gun); a clumsy person
Cringe recoil, flinch, shy away
Envenom to cause bitterness and bad feeling
Hedonism self indulgence, pleasure-seeking
Laconic using few words, brief, short to the point
Oblique indirect, slanting
Plumage feathers of a bird
Resignation acceptance of fate
Tenacious stubborn, resolute, holding firm to a purpose
Group 9
Accolade tribute, honor, praise
Bolster support, prop up
Cryptic puzzling, enigmatic
Ephemeral short-lived
Hedonist a pleasure seeker
Lamentation expression of regret or sorrow
Obliterate destroy, demolish, eradicate
Plummet fall suddenly and steeply
Resolution determination
Tentative not certain
Group 10
Acquiesce to agree to, give in to
Bombast arrogant, pompous language
Curtail cut short
Epicure someone who appreciates good food and drink
Heed listen to
Lampoon ridicule, spoof
Oblivious totally unaware
Podium raised platform
Resonant echoing
Tenuous flimsy, not solid