Group 16
Adulation strong admiration, worship
Bristle to show irritation
Decoy lure, trap, trick
Erratic wandering, irregular
Histrionic theatrical, exaggerated
Laud praise
Obstreperous noisy and boisterous
Portend foretell
Retraction withdrawal, cancellation of a statement
Titter giggle quietly
Group 17
Adversity hardship
Broach start to discuss, approach
Deference respect
Esoteric obscure and difficult to understand
Hoary old
Lavish on a grand scale, wasteful
Obtuse mentally dull
Portent a warning sign, omen
Revere worship
Tome large book
Group 18
Advocate support
Brusque blunt, abrupt
Defoliate cause leaves to fall off
Espouse promote, take up, support
Hone sharpen, increase, whet
Lax careless, not strict
Obviate avoid, make unnecessary
Poseur someone who puts on an act
Riddled full of (usually full of holes)
Torpid inactive, lazy, stagnant
Aesthetic concerning art or beauty
Bulwark fortification, barricade, wall
Defunct no longer in existence
Etymology the study of word origins
Hyperbole grossly exaggerated speech
Legend 1) key to map 2) myth or story
Odious hateful
Posterity future generations
Rife common
Torpor dormancy, sluggishness, inactivity
Group 20
Affable friendly, social, easygoing
Bureaucracy officialdom
Degradation deprivation, poverty, debasement
Eulogy praise
Hypochondriac a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
Legion in large numbers
Officious domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
Posthumous after death
Rigor thoroughness
Totter walk unsteadily