雅思口语考试分为三个部分,作为雅思考试中最让考生头疼的部分,雅思口语part 3是众多考生的噩梦。
其实,雅思口语Part 3和雅思口语Part 2的话题是有相关性的,口语考官一般都会在雅思口语Part 2的基础上做深入的讨论,主要考察考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。能否回答好Part3的问题对于口语分数也有着很大的影响。
雅思口语Part 3七大类常见问题
1. Opinion - What do you think about 'this'? Remember to say why you think that way and give examples.
2. Evaluate - What do you think about someone else's opinion?
3. Cause and effect - What caused 'this' and/or what effects 'it' had?
4. Compare and contrast - Talk about the difference and/or similarities between two things.
5. Past - How were things different in the past and how have they changed?
6. Hypothetical - Talk about imaginary or unreal situations.
7. Future - What do you think will happen in the future?
在这七类问题中,最难的莫过于Future ,今天就来聊一聊【Future】类问题如何回答。
当考官问“In the future,how would you predict something happen?”该如果有效的切入呢?
Example Question:
Some people say that working from home will be quite common in the future. Do you agree?
It is foreseeable that more people will work from home in the future. If the internet becomes faster and there are more programs, such as Skype, that allow people to work from home more easily, I’d predict that more people will stay at home. If you think about it, most people don’t need to be physically present to do their jobs and I envisage that face to face meetings will be a thing of the past.
这段话中的核心词 internet,在过去到现在的30中, internet几乎覆盖了生活中的方方面面, 所以我们要利用internet解决【Future】类问题。
Do you think in the future will the cinemas disappear ?
I suppose in the future the cinemas will disappear sooner or later.
Without any doubt, the internet and advanced technology are the main factors to push this happen.
I once read a report, said that in UK, the cinema admissions had fallen every year since 1980s. The easy access to internet means that people could download movies to enjoy in the cozy home rather than the public cinema. Internet makes this leisure activity to be simpler and more personalized. So personally, I’d say cinemas will no longer will be popular.
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